Four Things to Choosing a PK Domain Registration Company

Registering a domain name is a critical step while establishing an online presence. Choosing the right PK domain registration company is vital to ensure the success of your online venture. Your domain name is your online identity and will play a significant role in shaping your brand and online reputation. PKNIC is the only official provider of PK domain extensions.

However, purchasing a domain name through PkNIC can be challenging and time-consuming. As a result, many people prefer to use third-party .pk domain registrars. Despite this, PkNIC remains a reliable domain registrar in Pakistan due to its official status. Choosing the best domain registrar in Pakistan can take some time since there are many options available and it largely depends on individual needs and preferences. This article will provide useful tips on selecting the best registrar to meet your specific requirements.

How to Register a PK Domain! A Step-by-Step Guide (English Version)



Comparing Prices

Low-cost Provider

The cost of domain registration is a vital consideration. The average PK domain registration price in the Pakistani market is around 2500 PKR. However, it’s worth noting that some companies offer cheaper registration fees. When comparing prices, it’s essential to ensure you are not compromising on quality. A low-cost provider may not offer the level of service and support that you need to succeed online.

Additional Costs

It’s important to understand what is included in the price and any additional costs that may be associated with domain registration. Some providers offer additional services such as website hosting, email hosting, and website-building tools. While these services may be useful, they may also come at an additional cost. Be sure to consider your budget and your online needs before deciding on a domain registration company.




.PK COST/2yr


PKNIC Gold Partner

since 2001



PKNIC Gold Partner

since 2002



PKNIC Gold Partner

since 2008



PKNIC Gold Partner

since 2001



PKNIC Gold Partner

since 2003



PKNIC Gold Partner



PKNIC Gold Partner


Rs.4495 / $15.75


 PKNIC Partner

since 2009



 PKNIC Partner

since 2004

Rs.7780 / $27.63

Cost of the Renewal

Be sure to check what’s included in the registration fee and any additional costs that may be associated with domain registration, such as domain privacy or email hosting. While a lower registration fee may seem attractive, it’s important to evaluate the value of the services included and any additional costs that may arise.

Price Increase

It’s also worth considering the total cost of ownership when registering a domain. Some companies may offer discounts for longer-term registration, which may be a cost-effective option if you plan to keep the domain for an extended period. It’s also important to consider the cost of renewals and any potential price increases in the future.


Customer Support is critical factor when selecting a PK domain registration company

Responsive Knowledgeable team

Support Customer support is another critical factor when selecting a PK domain registration company. Technical issues can arise at any time, and it’s important to have access to support when you need it. The company you choose should offer 24/7 customer support through multiple channels such as phone, email, and ticketing systems. Ensure that the support team is responsive, knowledgeable, and able to assist with any issues you may face.

Testing Customer Support

Before choosing a provider, it’s a good idea to test their customer support. You can do this by sending an email or calling their support line to see how quickly they respond and how helpful they are. A company with excellent customer support will be able to help you resolve any issues quickly, minimizing downtime and ensuring that your website is always online.

Technical Issues

In addition to general customer support, it’s also important to consider the level of technical support provided by the domain registration company. Technical issues can arise when setting up your domain, configuring your DNS settings, or managing your website. A reliable domain registration company should offer technical support to assist with any issues related to domain registration and management.

Online Resources

Look for a company that provides detailed documentation, tutorials, and online resources to help you troubleshoot any technical issues. A company that provides an online community forum or knowledge base can also be a valuable resource for finding answers to common questions or issues.

Quick and Effective

When evaluating technical support, consider the level of expertise of the support team. Look for a company that employs knowledgeable and experienced support staff who can provide quick and effective solutions to technical issues.

Domain Privacy Protection

Consider the company’s security measures and data protection policies. The company should offer domain privacy protection, which helps keep your personal information confidential and protected from spammers and identity thieves. The company should also offer SSL certificates, which help protect your website from hackers and ensure that your visitors’ data is secure.

User Interface

Consider the company’s user interface and ease of use. The company should offer an intuitive and easy-to-use platform for managing your domain and website. Look for a company that provides a user-friendly control panel or dashboard that allows you to manage your domain and website easily.

Reliable Support

Ultimately, the level of support provided by a domain registration company can significantly impact your online success. By choosing a company that offers reliable and responsive customer and technical support, you can ensure that your website remains online and accessible to your audience at all times.


A PK domain registration company with a high rating

High Rating

Checking online reviews is an essential step, providing insight into other customers’ experiences with the company. A company with a high rating and positive reviews will likely provide a good service. It’s essential to look for reviews from reliable sources such as online forums, social media, and review websites to get an accurate picture of the company’s reputation.

Fake Reviews

Be wary of reviews that seem too good to be true. Some companies may use fake reviews to boost their rating and attract new customers. Make sure to read various reviews from different sources to get an unbiased opinion of the company’s service and support.

Ask for Recommendations

Additionally, it can be helpful to ask for recommendations from friends, colleagues, or other professionals in your industry. They may have had experience with different domain registration companies and can provide valuable insight into their experiences.

Larger Customer Base

Another factor to consider is the company’s experience and longevity in the industry. A company with a long history of providing domain registration services is likely to have more experience and knowledge in the industry. They may also have a larger customer base and more resources to provide reliable services and support.

Trustworthy Service

Finally, consider the company’s transparency and policies. Look for a company that provides clear and transparent pricing and policies, including refund policies and terms of service. A company that is open and transparent about its practices and policies is more likely to provide a trustworthy and reliable service.

Authorized by PKNIC

PKNIC Reseller

Client Support

PKNIC provides domain names in the .PK ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain) namespace and the regulatory body responsible for managing the registration and administration of domain names ending with PK. PKNIC has a list of authorized resellers categorized as gold, silver, and bronze partners. Companies authorized by PKNIC have a better working relationship with the regulatory body and can offer better client support.

Must be Authorized

PKNIC is the only official provider of PK domain extensions. Therefore, ensuring your chosen company is listed on PKNIC’s website as an authorized reseller is important. An authorized reseller will be able to provide you with a reliable service and ensure that your domain name is registered correctly. They will also be able to provide you with support and guidance on any issues that you may face with your domain name.

Directly Access

Choosing an authorized reseller also gives you the added benefit of being able to access the PKNIC system directly. This means you can make changes to your domain name registration, such as updating contact details, managing name servers, and renewing your domain name registration.

Gold Partners

When choosing a PKNIC-authorized reseller, it’s important to consider their level of accreditation. Gold partners have the highest level of accreditation and are the most experienced and knowledgeable providers. They are also required to meet strict requirements and standards set by PKNIC. Silver and bronze partners may not have the same level of experience or accreditation, but they have still authorized resellers and can provide a reliable service.



Online Presence

In today’s digital world, your online presence can make or break your business, making it even more important to choose a reputable domain registration company. Don’t rush the process of selecting a provider, as taking the time to research and choose the right company can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run. Remember to read reviews, compare prices, and test customer support before making a final decision.

Consider the Scalability

By considering these factors, you can establish a strong online presence and grow your business effectively. It’s also important to consider the scalability of the provider, as your online needs may change as your business grows. Look for a company that can offer additional services and support as your needs evolve. Don’t forget to read the terms and conditions carefully before registering your domain name, as this can affect your ownership and control over your domain.

Hidden Fees or Restrictions

Be aware of any hidden fees or restrictions that may be included in the terms and conditions. To summarize, considering these additional factors, you can make an even more informed decision and select a provider that not only meets your current needs but also has the ability to adapt to your changing requirements in the future.

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